This masterpiece of Gordian logic just appeared on my timeline. The username “” is inflamed by a photograph of an immunologist posing with The Science, both flagrantly breathing all over the place without proper protection for the rest of us. You could also describe it as a picture of a priest with her Cardinal brazenly defying scripture—for they are unmasked—which is what our Tweeter is really seeing and why his brain explodes. From our yonder hillside perch observing the Empire of Falsehood and all its silly business, we see an employee of corrupt institutionalism genuflecting to a psychopath.
Among the denomination of Long COVIDIANS, a popular theory states that the sinister virus has attacked the brain and reduced everybody’s IQ, up to and including these two subjects from the holy credentialed class, but not including anyone tweeting about it with pious outrage to an echo chamber of fundamentalists. Fun stuff, and almost admirable in its commitment to an increasingly beleaguered belief system, but how long can this go on? If we masked and jabbed 100 percent of the global population 100 percent of the time, which is what people like “” devoutly wish for, what would they expect to see? How would they rationalize an outcome that—in accordance with everything they’ve already seen but not seen—was 100 percent the opposite?
As we near the bottom of the glass of COVID fundamentalism, I wonder how it ends, finally, for these poor broken idiots?